Our delicate little girl loved running around at Caitlin's wedding!
Nolan is starting soccer with his buddy Kaelan!
Claire is perfecting her quizzical looks :)
Now that I'm home, Nolan started a new preschool down the street!
He's so excited!
My pictures are horribly out of order :) We had the neighborhood night out party at our house- complete with police cars, a bike parade, and a fire truck. What a day for the boys!
Nolan is officially tall enough for the bumper cars and boats! We spent a lot of time at Riverside park playing. Gotta love the good weather!
We spent 4th of July at a Liberty Lake outside of Spokane and Nolan thought he was so brave standing under the waterfall at the spray park....as you can see, he never really got near it!
Claire loves the water!! She's fearless!
Nolan and Daddy riding the "Bubble Ride" over Spokane Falls.
Crazy Kids!! (And some crazy hair for Claire to match!)
We know, we know, we're horrible at posting pics in a timely manner :) Sorry! Summer is 1/2 work day away and we couldn't be happier. We can't wait for some quality family and friend time. We hope to see you all soon!